Planning a School Event for Parents or Guardians

Bringing the Kids Heart Challenge or É«ÖÐÉ« Heart Challenge to my child's school!
young boy showing off medal

Leading with Heart

Love bringing fresh ideas to your child's school? Then it’s time for you to learn more about Kids Heart Challenge and É«ÖÐÉ« Heart Challenge!

It's time for your student's school to take the Challenge!


  • Participate in age-appropriate, heart-healthy activities
  • Get access to STEAM and social and emotional learning
  • Learn about physical and mental well-being
  • Raise funds to save lives
  • Gain empathy for kids with special hearts
  • Give back to their communities
  • Learn compassion through volunteerism and service learning

Parents get resources on how to:

  • Eat healthy
  • Manage stress
  • Be physically active
  • Talk to youth about tobacco and vaping
  • Manage heart conditions
  • Use the AHA Support Network for survivors and caregivers
Alexa congenital heart defect survivor
Download information to present the benefits and fun of AHC in middle and high schools to your school administration

All typical activities can be customized.

If you’re interested in bringing the Challenge to your child’s school, let us help you. We’re here to guide you through speaking with your administration and sharing the benefits of participating.

Once your school is registered, you will receive information about how to support activities and fundraising.

Elementary School Activities

Middle and High School Activities

Take the Challenge!

The Kids Heart Challenge and É«ÖÐÉ« Heart Challenge focus on physical and emotional well-being. Everyone learns and grows. Everyone has a lot of fun!
mom with teenagers